Thrilling! A Predator’s Game Now Available


A Predator’s Game, long-awaited prequel to A Predatory Mind, was released March 30. You can order it now and get it instantly for Kindle, Nook, or Kobo. Be sure you’re ready to chase clues all over turn-of-the-century Manhattan! For slightly delayed gratification, order the softcover at the links below (more coming soon) or request at your local bookstore or library.

Kindle | NookKobo

Softcover | Amazon Softcover | Indiebound Softcover

Manhattan, 1896.

When the author Arthur Conan Doyle meets Nikola Tesla he finds a tall, thin genius with a photographic memory and a keen eye, and recognizes in the eccentric inventor the embodiment of his creation, Sherlock. Together, they team up to take on a different, evil Holmes. Multi-murderer Dr. Henry H. Holmes has escaped execution and is unleashing a reign of terror upon the city. Set in the late nineteenth century in a world of modern marvels, danger, and invention, Conan Doyle, Tesla, and the madman engage in a deadly game of wits.

Surprises at every turn and many moments that are so clever, you’ll wonder how the author came up with it. He must’ve had Arthur Conan Doyle at his shoulder as he wrote. Don’t miss it!


Coming March 30: A Thrilling and Cerebral Adventure

APG 1Great news for fans of Martin Hill Ortiz’s exceptionally imaginative thrillers!

A Predator’s Game, long-awaited prequel to A Predatory Mind, will be released March 30. You can preorder it now for Kindle or Kobo and get ready to chase clues all over turn-of-the-century Manhattan to end up at the classic venue for thrillers, Niagara Falls.

Kindle PreOrder | Kobo PreOrder

Manhattan, 1896.

When the author Arthur Conan Doyle meets Nikola Tesla he finds a tall, thin genius with a photographic memory and a keen eye, and recognizes in the eccentric inventor the embodiment of his creation, Sherlock. Together, they team up to take on a different, evil Holmes. Multi-murderer Dr. Henry H. Holmes has escaped execution and is unleashing a reign of terror upon the city. Set in the late nineteenth century in a world of modern marvels, danger, and invention, Conan Doyle, Tesla, and the madman engage in a deadly game of wits.

Surprises at every turn and many moments that are so clever, you’ll wonder how the author came up with it. He must’ve had Arthur Conan Doyle at his shoulder as he wrote. Don’t miss it!

Softcover | Amazon Softcover | Other stores coming soon! Request it at your local bookstore!

Visit Açedrex and Rook’s Page at the Twin Cities Book Festival

SKZ4If you’re in Minnesota or the Twin Cities area, there’s an amazing event for book lovers on Saturday, October 17! Come to the Twin Cities Book Festival (more information here), where Rook’s Page’s own Jan Holmes Frost will debut her unique, fun, and useful “diet” book, Skinny Zen in softcover!


Author Jan Holmes Frost

Jan will be happy to chat with you about books, Minnesota, and life and will be thrilled to sign copies of five-star-rated Skinny Zen and her other books! Other great Rook’s Page, Açedrex, and Loose Leaves titles will also be on display. So many authors, publishers, presentations, discussions, and events, a bookworm will hardly be able to choose! Saturday, October 17, at the Minnestoa State Fairgrounds.

Unpredictable 5StarAçedrex is bursting with pride to announce that Unpredictable Worlds: Stories by Jessica Knauss has been given a five-star review by Reader’s Favorite. Calling it “delightfully off the beaten track” and “a journey of wonder,” Carine Engelbrecht did Jessica the honor of understanding how she wants to reach readers—in a way different from every other writer. Unpredictable Worlds will be displaying its shiny five-star badge at the Twin Cities Book Festival.

It Doesn’t Come Any Cheaper: Unpredictable Worlds is On Sale for FREE This Weekend

Unpredictable Worlds

Unpredictable Worlds, a five-star-rated fresh release, normally $3.99 on Kindle, now FREE this weekend! Saturday, July 18 through Monday, July 20, this collection with award-winning stories can be yours at no charge.

A teacher controls her students with an edible microchip. A reporter turns into a rhinoceros. A couple’s efforts to eat local go frighteningly awry. If you’re looking to be surprised, puzzled, or just plain entertained, pick up this omnibus. There’s something for everyone! 

More than twenty years in the making, Unpredictable Worlds contains all of Jessica Knauss’s published and prize-winning short fiction as of March 2015 and a few of her best stories never before seen in print or ebook. Zany plots and outrageous characters will stretch your belief and tug at your heart. 


Reviewers have called Unpredictable Worldsfunny, touching, thought-provoking, anger-inducing, and faith-affirming.” You won’t regret spending $0 on this unique journey through worlds and words.


Easy links to the sale, July 18 through July 20:
US | UK | Canada


A New Edition of the Beloved Laughing Princess Complete with Full-Color Pictures


A new edition of Seymour Hamilton’s The Laughing Princess has come to Açedrex. It’s in a special wide softcover format because it is our first fully illustrated book! Shirley MacKenzie, who created the cover of the first edition, has created a full-page, full-color illustration for each of the twelve stories as well as a new cover and endpiece. There are also line drawings of the littlest dragon that demonstrate the way he grows in power and size with each story he tells.

This is a handsome volume readers would love to have on their bookshelves!


Read more about it |Read an inspiring excerpt | Listen to and download the free audiobook

Find it today: CreateSpace | Amazon | request it at your library!

Ebooks (View in landscape for best results): Kindle | Kindle Canada | Kindle UK | Nook | Kobo

The non-illustrated edition is still available at very economical prices: Softcover | Softcover at BN | your favorite independent 

and in ebook: Kindle  | Kindle UKNook | Kobo |Google PlayBook Country

Bestsellers 2013 y Feliz Año Nuevo and Happy New Year

¡Llegó la temporada de las listas! ¿Cuáles libros de Açedrex llamaron más la atención de los lectores? Sólo sabemos cuando votan con su dinerito.

It’s that time of year again! Which Açedrex titles appealed to readers most? Unfortunately, the only way we can tell is when you vote with your wallet.

Los libros más vendidos de 2013

The Bestselling Books of 2013

97819372915251. Los cuatro viajes y el testamento de Cristóbal Colón

Top 202. The Abencerraje (Español, English, y edición tapa blanda en dos lenguas/dual language softcover)

Nolicover3. Noli me tangere (Español & English) de José Rizal

Birds cover4. Birds Without a Nest by Clorinda Matto de Turner

El Gaucho Cover5. El gaucho Martín Fierro y La vuelta de Martín Fierro de José Hernández

Y nos gustaría llamar la atención a nuestros tesoros escondidos:

And we’d like to call attention to our hidden treasures:

TLP EspThe Laughing Princess by Seymour Hamilton

La Princesa valiente de Seymour Hamilton

Tree House NEWTree/House by Jessica Knauss

Un hogar en los árboles de Jessica Knauss

CondenadoDiccionario del condenado a muerte de Manuel Arduino Pavón

¡Feliz 2014 a todos los lectores del mundo!

Llega pronto: La Princesa valiente

TLP EspNo hemos quedado con las manos desocupadas, a pesar de los calores del verano. No, señores, la creatividad y el amor para la lengua y los cuentos nos mantienen muy ocupados.

Aquí, desvelo el arte para la tapa de la mejor colección de cuentos sobre dragones, La Princesa valiente de Seymour Hamilton. El dibujo es de la artista canadiense Shirley MacKenzie. El libro salió el año pasado en inglés (con otra tapa, que pensamos cambiar) como The Laughing Princess y ha tenido mucho éxito, entreteniendo a los niños y sus parientes igualmente. Muy pronto, el texto completo estará disponible para leer en lengua castellana. ¡Mira este espacio para todas las noticias!

Seymour Hamilton on The Laughing Princess as Audio and Teaching Tool

As a teacher myself, and in conversation with other teachers, I have often complained that either my students do not do the assigned reading ahead of class, or if they do, it is by flash-reading as they might scan the splash page of a web site.  In the first case, they are not able to enter into a discussion of content, in the second, they have little awareness of the style, tone and language in which the piece was written.  Their study and comprehension of the imaginative literature presented in English classes is reduced to memorizing a stew-pot of messages.

Parents rarely take the time, and seldom have the skill, to read effectively out loud, with the result that most young people read silently.  Teachers face the same constraints of time and ability. Consequently, many students read only for content, never realizing the beauty of words that have been taken from the page and offered as a performance. It is not that they do not know the magic of words: they encounter it daily in the music they listen to, but all too often they cannot unlock that music from the printed page.

The Laughing Princess was written to be read out loud.

TLP Square

Accordingly, I recorded it so that it can be listened to and downloaded, free, from

A teacher can therefore play the recording in class, or hand out a “thumb drive” containing the downloaded audio files, so that students can listen on their MP3 players or smartphones — an audio experience that takes place in the theatre between their ears.  Alternately, a teacher can provide the students with the URL for Podiobooks, where they can download the stories themselves. If they wish, they can then read background material and through which they can interact with me, the author on the story website at

The title might make you think this is a book that should have a pink dust jacket; however, the Princess in the first story is very much a tomboy, who learns to “be, and dare, and risk” as a result of meeting with a sea-dragon. The other eleven stories all involve dragons. They are sometimes gentle and understanding, like the Angular Dragon, who counsels a poet; sometimes soulless and tyrannical, like the Mountain Dragon with whom a blind man matches wits; some dispense drastic justice, like the fire dragon who deals with a wife-beating innkeeper.

The dragons grant wishes that can be exceedingly dangerous to the human beings within the stories.  The protagonists include a retired wizard, a poet who has lost his gift of words, a pretty girl who believes she is entitled to more of everything, a warrior who hires out as a formidable bodyguard, a musician who must choose between his love and his music, and the princess who as queen must face a heartless sea rover.

The stories are held together by a narrator, The Littlest Dragon, who tells his tales to two children who “have reached that special age at which they had discovered that their parents did not always understand them.”  Like the characters in the stories, they must choose their wishes carefully.

The stories follow in the great tradition that was started by the Brothers Grimm.  They deal in ambiguous wishes, lucky numbers, changes of fortune, crucial decisions that change lives.

The language is “family friendly,” and is accessible by readers from 12 or 14 up.  The social and moral implications of the stories can be tackled at different levels, depending on the age and sophistication of the readers.

The Laughing Princess is available in paperback and electronic versions everywhere, and as downloadable audio files from Podiobooks, read by the author.  The web site offers background material, author’s bio, etc, as well as links to the audio files.  Discussion and study suggestions for teachers are available from me, through the web site.

Editor’s note: If all goes well, The Laughing Princess will be available in Spanish in early 2013! Perfect for teaching Spanish through interesting stories!

Los más vendidos del 2011 – The Bestsellers of 2011

Para terminar el año y empezar uno nuevo con mucha esperanza, parece interesante presentarles los libros más vendidos de Açedrex del 2011.

To finish the old year and start a new one with lots of hope, it behooves us to list Açedrex’s bestsellers of 2011.

1. Tree/House by Jessica Knauss.

Due mainly to a huge promotion effort in January, this title left all the others in the dust for most of the year. Don’t forget to pick up your copy for your new reading device! ¡No desesperen! En el 2012, habrá una edición en español.

2. Historia de la célebre doña Juana de España, llamada vulgarmente “la Loca” y La guerra del moro a fines del siglo XV.

Me ha sorprendido el entusiasmo por este título, pero es natural, después de todo, que los lectores de hoy quieren leer una biografía corta y fácil de leer de este personaje histórico tan importante. Nos empeñaremos en buscar más títulos de esta índole para su agrado.

3. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes.

Es muy bonito que este libro sigue siendo tan popular. La versión en inglés no llegó a vender ni la cuarta parte de la española.

4. EMPATE: Sab y Autobiografía de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda y Aves sin nido de Clorinda Matto de Turner.

Es apropriado que estas escritoras pioneras comparten la popularidad.

5. El gaucho Martín Fierro y La vuelta de Martín Fierro de José Hernández.

Además gana el galardón de haber vendido el mismo número de ejemplares en Kindle que en Nook.

6. Birds Without a Nest by Clorinda Matto de Turner.

I include this sixth place because the English version sold only a few copies less than the corresponding book in Spanish. It’s wonderful to bring this groundbreaking material to the English-speaking world.

Muchísimas gracias por leer los libros que publicamos en Açedrex y apoyar nuestro sueño. ¡Que en el 2012 se cumpla aún más!

Thank you very much for reading Açedrex books and supporting our dream. May it come true even more in 2012!