Bestsellers 2015 and What’s to Come in 2016

It hasn’t been a great money year for Açedrex Publishing. But Açedrex was founded for the love of books, so in 2016 we’ll persevere and get even more great reading material out to you readers of the world.

As usual, our best selling book of 2015 has been


These journals are fascinating reading, whatever your opinion of Columbus. You should read his story in his own words in order to make better arguments for enshrining his achievements, vilifying him, or forgetting about him all together.

Other great things that happened at Açedrex this year:

New releases

Our first nonfiction from Rook’s Page, Skinny Zen, is revolutionizing the diet scene. Unpredictable Worlds was published and recognized with a five-star review from Reader’s Favorite. Tree/House is out in a new edition and is our first foray into audiobook!

Something else great coming in 2016:

New release early 2016

A Predator’s Game by Martin Hill Ortiz from Rook’s Page Publishing.


You’ve heard of Tesla, Arthur Conan Doyle, and maybe even H. H. Holmes. You haven’t seen them like this. This is the thrilling sequel to Ortiz’s fantasy thriller A Predatory Mind, coming to you in early 2016.

Açedrex and Rook’s Page will keep on bringing you books we love and that we hope you love, too. Happy New Year!

New Preorders for November

Two of Jessica Knauss’s masterful works have been in limited distribution until now. We’re proud to announce that at last, as well as the Kindle editions you’ve come to know and love, Tree/House and Unpredictable Worlds will be available on all the other ebook platforms, too!

Both books of fiction have received critical praise and are perfect gifts for the book lover in your life during this holiday season.

The magical day is November 20. Let these books be your other literary activity as you get ready to watch the last installment of the Hunger Games.

Tree House NEWTree/House is already available in softcover in many venues:

Softcover | Softcover at Indiebound | Softcover at Amazon | Softcover at Barnes and Noble

And in Kindle and Nook.

It will be waiting for you at your favorite alternative ebook retailer on November 20, or preorder today at Apple iBooks and Kobo and it will download to your device on release day.

Unpredictable 5StarUnpredictable Worlds has a lovely softcover edition available now:

Softcover | Softcover at Indiebound | Softcover at Amazon | Softcover at Barnes and Noble

And is ready for you in Kindle and Nook.

As with Tree/House, Unpredictable Worlds will be waiting for you at your favorite alternative ebook retailer on November 20, or preorder today at Apple iBooks and Kobo and it will download to your device on release day.

Please note that because all the stories (and more) from Rhinoceros Dreams have been revised and included in Unpredictable Worlds, Rhinoceros Dreams will no longer be available after November 20.

Thank you for supporting Açedrex Publishing’s mission to bring original books to a wide audience.

Recordatorio: Versión tapa blanda = versión digital más cara

Un hogar

La versión tapa blanda de Un hogar en los árboles llega muy pronto. ¡La edición nos parece perfecta! Esperamos que no haya problemas, pero debe llegar a las tiendas en la web para la semana que viene como muy tarde.

Para no olvidar: La edición electrónica se pondrá más cara al llegar la tapa blanda. ¡Hazte con tu ejemplar ya! Ya vendió más copias de lo que esperábamos… Es un libro un poco absurdo — y absurdamente interesante para las mujeres y los hombres que las quieren.

Kindle | Kindle España | Nook | Kobo

Cuenta atrás para Un hogar en los árboles: ¡Ya se acerca!

Un hogarHay menos tiempo de espera que pensábamos y nos agrada comunicarles que parece que dentro de tan solo una semana podrán hacerse con una copia digital de Un hogar en los árboles. Contará con todas las fotos, toda la diversión, todo el surrealismo y todo el simbolismo de la edición en inglés. La versión en tapa blanda vendrá más tarde. ¡Mira este espacio!

Cuenta atrás para la publicación de la versión española: ¡Un hogar en los árboles!

Han sido años de preparación, trabajo, sudor, mudanzas, distracciones, y espera. Y ahora por fin ya se acerca el momento en que podrás tener entras las manos la versión española de esa obra maestra del surrealismo y concienciación de la mujer, Tree/House. Se llamará Un hogar en los árboles y su tapa se parecerá mucho a la novísima versión inglesa.

Un hogar

¡Más información llegará a este espacio muy pronto!



Cover Reveal: Tree/House by Jessica Knauss

Tree/House was our bestselling title of 2011. The Spanish edition is imminent… To celebrate, we’ve commissioned a new cover that better reflects the book’s emotional impact. We hope you like it!

Tree House NEW

To even further celebrate, Tree/House, complete with new cover, will be on sale for only 99 cents on Kindle and Nook (technical issues prevent a Kobo sale at this time, but watch for later!) now through May 13 only! This book has SEVEN positive reviews on Amazon US! Get it for your favorite reader, get it for your mother, get it for yourself, cheap as can be, while you can!

Kindle | Kindle UK | Kindle España | Kindle Canada | Kindle Deuschland | Kindle France | Kindle Italia | Kindle Japan | Kindle Brasil
